[Marshall, ...]:
Catalogue of five hundred celebrated Authors of Great Britain, now living; the whole arranged in alphabetical order; and including a complete list of their publication, with occasional strictures, and anecdotes of their lives. - London : Faulder, 1788
Alternative Titel:
Catalogue of five hundred celebrated Authors of Great Britain, now living; the whole arranged in alphabetical order; and including a complete list of their publication, with occasional strictures, and anecdotes of their lives
Historia Tartarorum ecclesiastica
Christiani Scholtz Grammatica aegyptiaea utriusque dialecti : quam breviavit, illustravit, edidit Carolus Godofredus Woide
An ecclesiastical history ancient and modern from the birth of Christ to the beginning of the eighteenth century : in six volumes in which the rise, progress and variations of church power are considered in their connexion with the state of learning
A voyage round the world
Isaaci Newtoni Opera quæ exstant omnia
Characteres generum plantarum : Quas in itinere ad insulas maris australis collegerunt, descripserunt, delinearunt, annis MDCCLXXII - MDCCLXXV
An attempt towards an improved version, a metrical arrangement, and an explanation of the twelve minor prophets
The British mercury or annals of history, politics, manners, literature, arts etc. of the British Empire
A discourse, by way of general preface to the quarto edition of Bishop Warburton's works, containing some account of the life, ... of the author
Poeseos Asiaticae Commentariorum Libri Sex
Praefationis ad tres Gulielmi Bellendeni libros de statu
Lexicon Aegyptiaco-Latinum
Tableau de l'Angleterre pour l'Année 1780 continué par l'Editeur jusqu'à l'Année 1783
Geschichte der Entdekungen und Schiffahrten in Norden
An Introduction To Mineralogy
The monthly review, or, literary journal
Novum Testamentum Graecum e codice Ms. Alexandrino, qui Londini in Bibliotheca Musei Britannici asservatur, descriptum a Carolo Godofredo Woide
London, b. Faulder: Catalogue of five hundred celebrated Authors of Great Britain, now living; the whole arranged in alphabetical order; and including a complete list of their publication, with occasional strictures, and anecdotes of their lives. 1788. 20 B. 8°
Erwähnte Person:
Erwähnte Person:
Parr, Samuel (1747 - 1825)
Erwähnte Person:
White, ... (Professor, Orientalist. ?White, Joseph. 1745-1814. Theologe, Erzbischof, Orientalist),
Marshall, ...,
Erwähnte Person:
Erwähnte Person:
Erwähnte Person:
Griffith, ... (Herausgeber der Monthly Review),
Erwähnte Person:
Merry, Robert (1755 - 1798)
Erwähnte Person:
Maclaine, Archibald (1722 - 1804)
Erwähnte Person:
Graham, William
Erwähnte Person:
Jenkinson, Charles (1727-1808. Staatsmann),
Erwähnte Person:
Erwähnte Person:
Hurd, Richard (1720 - 1808)
Erwähnte Person:
Erwähnte Person:
Erwähnte Person:
Erwähnte Person:
Erwähnte Person:
Erwähnte Person:
Burke, Edmund (1729 - 1797)
Erwähnte Person:
Horsley, Samuel (1733 - 1806)
Erwähnte Person:
Erwähnte Person:
Datierung (individuell):
Besitzende Institution / Datengeber:
Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Jena (ThULB)
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