Shakespeare, William:
The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare : in Ten Volumes ; collated verbatim with the most authentick copies, and revised ; with the corrections and illustrations of various commentators ; to which are added, an essay on the chronological order of his plays; an essay relative to Shakespeare and Jonson ; a dissertation on the three parts of King Henry VI. ; an historical account of the English stage, and notes / by Edmond Malone. - London : Rivington [u.a.]
Vol. 1.-10. - 1790
Alternative Titel:
The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare
Ueber W. Shakspeare
The History of English poetry, from the close of the eleventh to the commencement of the eighteenth century
London, b. Rivington u.a.m.: The Plays and Poems of William Shakespeare, in Ten Volumes; collated verbatim with the most authentick copies, and revised: with the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentatores - - - By Edmond Malone. Vol. I. P. I. 414 S. P. 331 u. 316 S. Vol. II. 539 S. Vol III. 636 S. Vol. IV. 570 S. Vol. V. 604 S. Vol. VI. 624 S. Vol. VII. 600 S. Vol. VIII. 782 S. Vol. IX. 684 S. Vol. X. 692 S. 8° 1790 (3 £. 17 Sh.)
Erwähnte Person:
Erwähnte Person:
Aubrey, John (1626 - 1697)
Erwähnte Person:
Erwähnte Person:
Erwähnte Person:
Erwähnte Person:
Massinger, Philipp (1583 - 1740)
Erwähnte Person:
Warton, Thomas (1728 - 1790)
Erwähnte Person:
Erwähnte Person:
Boydell, John (1719 - 1804)
Erwähnte Person:
Johnson, Samuel (1709 - 1784)
Erwähnte Person:
Hammer, ...,
Erwähnte Person:
Datierung (individuell):
Besitzende Institution / Datengeber:
Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Jena (ThULB)
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