[Sammelrezension von acht englischsprachigen Werken bzw. von Übersetzungen aus dem Englischen]
Rezensiert werden:
1. Sadler, Robert:
Wanley Penson; or, the melancholy man: a miscellaneous history, in three volumes. ... / Robert Sadler. - A new edition corrected. - London : printed for C. and G. Kearsley, 1792
2. The labyrinth's of life : A novel by the author of excessive sensibility, and fatal follies. In four volumes. - London : Robinson, 1791
3. Die Labyrinthe des Lebens : Aus dem Englischen. - Dresden ; Leipzig : Richter
Bd. 1-2. - 1792
4. Radcliffe, Ann:
The romance of the forest : interspersed with some pieces of poetry. In three volumes / Ann Radcliffe. - [3. ed.] - London : printed for T. Hookham and J. Carpenter, 1792
5. Radcliffe, Anne:
Adeline oder das Abentheuer im Walde / Aus dem Englischen der Miß Anna Radcliff ... In drei Bändchen. - Leipzig : Böhme, 1793
6. Reeve, Clara:
The School For Widows : A Novel. In Three Volumes / By Clara Reeve .... - Lonndon : Hookham ; Harrison ; Miller, 1791
7. The doubtful marriage, a narrative, drawn from real life. - London : Law
Vol. 1-3. - 1792
8. Robinson, Mary:
Vancenza; or, the dangers of credulity : In two volumes. By Mrs. M. Robinson, .. / Mary Robinson. - The third edition. - London : printed for the authoress; and sold by Mr. Bell, 1792
Alternative Titel:
The School For Widows
Vancenza; or, the dangers of credulity
Wanley Penson; or, the melancholy man: a miscellaneous history, in three volumes
The doubtful marriage, a narrative, drawn from real life
Adeline oder das Abentheuer im Walde
The romance of the forest : interspersed with some pieces of poetry
The labyrinth's of life
Die Labyrinthe des Lebens
Sadler, Walter Robert Vincent. ( - 1621)
Datierung (individuell):
Besitzende Institution / Datengeber:
Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Jena (ThULB)
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