[Sammelrezension von sieben biographischen Schriften über Lord Byron] Rezensiert werden: 1. Byron, L.: Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the Right Honourable Lord Byron with Anecdotes of some of his Contemporaries. London: Colburn 1822 2. Byron, L.: Des Lord Byrons Lebensbeschreibung, nebst Analyse und Beutheilung seiner Schriften. Leipzig: Dyk 1825 3. Gordon, C.: Life and Genius of Lord Byron. London: Knight & Lacey 1824 4a). Medwin, T.: Conversations of Lord Byron noted during a residence with his Lordship at Pisa, in the years 1821 and 1822. London: Colburn 1824 4b). Medwin, T.: Gespräche mit Lord Byron. Ein Tagebuch, geführt waährend eines Aufenthalts zu Pisa in den jahren 1821 und 1822. Stuttgart; Tübingen: Cotta 1824 5. Dallas, R. C.: Recollections of the Life of Lord Byron, from the year 1808 to the end of 1814. London: Knight 1824 6. Byron, L.: Narrative of Lord Byron´s voyage to Corsica and Sardinia, during the summer 1821 etc. From a journal kept on board his Lordship´s Yacht Maseppa.London: Lambird 1824 7. Dallas, A. R. C.: Correspondance of Lord Byron with a friend, including his letters to his mother, written from portugal, Spain, Greece and the shores of the Mediterranean in 1809, 1810 and 1811 etc. Paris: Galignangi [s.a.] 8. Gamba, B.: A narrative of Lord Byron´s last journey to Greece. London: Murray 1825 (Beschluss der im vorigen Stück abgebrochenen Rezension)
Alternative Titel:
A narrative of Lord Byron´s last journey to Greece
Conversations of Lord Byron noted during a residence with his Lordship at Pisa
Correspondance of Lord Byron with a friend
Des Lord Byrons Lebensbeschreibung
Gespräche mit Lord Byron
Life and Genius of Lord Byron
Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the Right Honourable Lord Byron
Narrative of Lord Byron´s voyage to Corsica and Sardinia, during the summer 1821
Recollections of the Life of Lord Byron
Childe Harold
English Bards
Brydges, Samuel Egerton (1762 - 1837)
Medwin, Thomas (1788 - 1869)
Medwin, Thomas (1788 - 1869)
Datierung (individuell):
Besitzende Institution / Datengeber:
Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Jena (ThULB)
Übergeordnetes Objekt:
Rezensent: Müller, Wilhelm
Enthaltene Objekte: