The traveller's guide; or, English itinerary : containing accurate and original descriptions of all the counties, cities, towns, villages, hamlets, &c. and their exact distances from London; together, with the cathedrals, churches, hospitals, gentlemen's seats (with the names of their present posessors), manufactures, harbours, bays, rivers, canals, bridges, lakes, salt and medicinal springs, vales, hills, mountains, mines, castles, curiosities, market days, fairs, inns for post horses, &c.; the whole comprising a complete topography of England and Wales; to which are prefixed, general observations on Great-Britain; including a correct itinerary from London to the several watering and sea-bathing places, lists of inns in London; mail coaches; wharfs; packet-boats; rates of porterage; postage of letters; and every other useful information, equally calculated for the man of business and the inquisitive traveller / Walley Chamberlain Oulton. - [London] : J. Cundee and C. Chapple. - Volumes 1-2, 1805
Datierung (individuell):
Besitzende Institution / Datengeber:
Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Jena (ThULB)
Übergeordnetes Objekt: