[Sammelrezension:] 1) Letter to the Editor of the Edinburgh Review, on the subject of an Article in no. L. of that Journal, on „the Remains of John Tweddell.“ By the Earl of Elgin. Third Edition, Lond. 1816. b. Murray. 63 S. gf. 8. --- 2) Postscript to a Letter to the Editor of the Edinburgh Review. By the Earl of Elgin. Second Edition. Ebendaselbst. 1816. 31 S. gr. 8. --- 3) A Narrative of what is known respecting the Literary Remains of the late John Tweddell, by Philip Hunt, M. D. formerly Chaplain of his Excellency the Earl of Elgin, ambassador extraord. etc. at Constantinople. To which is added a short answer to certain allusions made by Dr. E. D. Clarke in the third Section of the second Part of his Travels in Greece etc. London, Rodwell and Martin. 1816. 47 S. gr. 8.
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